SS Galaxy Traffic and Survey Report

*Please note, as of May 3rd 2015 there are no rentals or services available aboard the SS Galaxy.*

*This is for historical reference only.*

Ship Traffic:

    • Galaxy AFT, MID, & FORWARD sims has a combined average weekday SL traffic count of 17,000 and weekends of 18,000. These counts are 100% pure due to zero camping or such traffic altering methods.

    • Galaxy AFT sim averages 73 unique visitation on Monday-Thurs, and 133 unique visitations on Friday-Sunday. The average in-sim time is 113 minutes per avatar.

    • Galaxy MID sim averages 59 unique visitors per day, average in-sim time of 148 minutes. Galaxy MID sim has higher in-sim time due to the high residential density.

    • Galaxy FORWARD sim averages 32 unique visitors per day, average in-sim time of 93 minutes.

    • SS Galaxy has approximately 170 unique visitors per day.

    • The average visitor are at least 199 days old, with 55% of them with payment info on file, and 11% of them partnered.

    • SS Galaxy averages 8.2 events every week, with an average attendance of 17 unique visitors.

    • SS Galaxy has 1244 group members, with over 80% of the members logging on in the past 30 days.

SS Galaxy Survey Report (cruise line info):

    • average 62 unique visitors took our onboard survey in one month.

    • 77% never taken a cruise but interested.

    • 61% interested in receiving info from cruise agents and/or cruise lines.

    • 42% given explicit permission for SS Galaxy to forward cruise line info.

Report generated by:

Roger T. Lee (SL AV: Fleche Xeno)

MBA, Graduate School of Management - University of California, Davis

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